18th Congress of the Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace

18th Congress of the Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace

The 18th Congress of EEDYE dealt with the current situation in Greece and our neighborhood, in regards to peace and the involvement of the Greek government with the imperialist plans, namely through the “bilateral defense agreement” with the USA, the upgrading of existing US and NATO military Bases and regional Headquarters, as well as new actions and plans to host US military helicopters and drones on Greek soil.

The 18th Congress of the Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace (EEDYE) concluded successfully on 2nd and 3rd December at the town hall of Chaidari/Attica its deliberations.

The Congress was attended by 278 delegates coming from 58 Peace Committees from all over the country (out of which the 18 were from the capital area).

The 18th Congress of EEDYE dealt with the current situation in Greece and our neighborhood, in regards to peace and the involvement of the Greek government with the imperialist plans, namely through the “bilateral defense agreement” with the USA, the upgrading of existing US and NATO military Bases and regional Headquarters, as well as new actions and plans to host US military helicopters and drones on Greek soil.

The Congress demands:

  • Disengagement of Greece from the imperialist plans
  • Close down of foreign military Bases and headquarters
  • Disengagement from NATO and EU

The Congress adopted the Report of the outgoing Secretariat and issued a resolution in solidarity with the just cause of the Palestinian people.

At the end of the Congress a new National Council with 63 members was elected whichelected in its first session the new Secretariat of EEDYE composed by:

President: Stavros Tassos

General Secretary: Elpida Pantelaki

Vice-Presidents: Nikos Zokas, Giorgos Lambrakis, Dionisis Plessas

Organizing Secretary: Grigoris Anagnostou

Treasurer: Aggeliki Samouri

Members of Secretariat: Marganelis Christos, Adrianos Boukouris, Evgenia Panagiotopoulou, Iraklis Tsavdaridis


Athens 4th December 2017

The Press office of EEDYE



Ενδιαφέροντα άρθρα
